Monday 8 November 2010

Auction at Oliver House School

I have the pleasure to announce that a future portrait done by me will be auctioned at Oliver House School to raise money for the school. The auction will take place on saturday 13th of November at the parent's evening.

Good luck for those bidding!!

Photo: Olivia, acrylic on canvas, 41 x 41 cm

Catalogue caption:
A portrait by Elena García de la Fuente

Elena is a Spanish artist based in London who specializes in family portraits. She has a MA in Contemporary Art from Sotheby's Institute. In 2005 The Prince's Trust recognized her talent and potential by granting her a funding award to pursue her life-long dream of succeeding as an artist.

Influenced by Old Masters, contemporary artists and the cultures around her, Elena's remarkable interpretation of her subjects allows her to create bold, yet reflective representations, animated with colour and character. Elena's success has seen her work exhibited in great European cities including London, Leeds, Berlin, Salzburg and Madrid.

This lot entitles you to a one-off portrait on canvas by Elena. Using acrylic paint, she will work from photographs, following a pre-portrait consultation.

Please note:
The portrait will be of one person only. It will measure approximately 41 x 41 cm. Consultation to be arranged at a mutually convenient time in London.

Friday 22 October 2010

'Muerto de Amor' Catalogue For Sale

You can now buy our 'Muerto de Amor' catalogue on line. It shows the work of all the artists involved in the exhibition as well as an explanation for each work. It also includes an introduction by Carlos Alvarez-Novoa.

Money raised will help us with cost of exhibition and the possibility of it touring to other cities in Europe or further.

Thank you very much in advance!

To buy it, please click here

Tuesday 5 October 2010

'Muerto de Amor' Events

'Muerto de Amor' has been a truly inspirational event and I'm extremely proud to have been part of it! We've had the honour to have the collaboration of amazing professionals from the world of theatre, poetry and puppets.

During the opening, the Goya award winner actor and director, Carlos Alvarez-Novoa, gave a speech on Lorca's work. We also had the pleasure to have the introduction to our catalogue written by him.

On the weekends, artist from SAL gave painting and ceramic workshops for children.

There was also a puppet show, 'Everything Counts' from Pedro Capdevila inspired in the work of Lorca.

The Bafta winner director, Alan Hescott directed the english version of "The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden" which was performed by Multi Cultural Classics (MCC).

There was a night of poetry performance organized by Susie Campbell in which poets from different nationalities got together to pay homage to Lorca reading their work in at least 6 different languages. To see a selection of the poetry performances, please click on the names. Donall Dempsey, Janice Windle and Marc Carver.

On the last night (sat 9th oct), there'll be a performance of folk songs written by Lorca, the play, and a speech from actress and director Sudha Buchar, whose latest play 'The house of Bilquis Bibi', is inspired in 'The House of Bernarda Alba' but with reference to the pakistani culture.

All these events are taking place in the gallery space, giving each event a truly special and intimate feel!

It's been incredible to have seen so many people united and inspired by one single artist. Thank you Lorca and Carlos for organizing it!

For more photos of these events, please click here

'Muerto de Amor' Opening Photos

It was a very emotional opening with Goya award winner actor and director, Carlos Alvarez-Novoa, who very kindly gave a lecture about Lorca specially written for the night. His voice made me have goose bumps specially when he read poetry!
Here's some pictures of the opening night and the exhibition. To see more photos, please click here

Thursday 16 September 2010

Muerto de Amor

The exhibition Muerto de Amor, a homage to writer Lorca, is opening next week (23th september) with many activities for children and adults on the weekends.

There'll be painting, ceramics and puppet making workshop for children, as well a poetry performance, a play and more! For more information please click here

Wednesday 1 September 2010

'Romance Sonámbulo'

I'm happy to show you my new painting for my next group show with SAL, Muerto de Amor. An exhibition inspired by the Spanish writer Lorca. 23 Sept - 9 Oct 2010 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 4a Castletown Road, London W14 9HE

To listen to a singing version of 'Romance Sonámbulo', the poem that inspired me for my work please click here

Tengo el placer de enseñaros mi último cuadro que se expondrá en mi siguiente exposición colectiva con el grupo SAL, Muerto de Amor, inspirada en la obra de Lorca. 23 Sept - 9 Oct 2010 at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 4a Castletown Road, London W14 9HE

Para oir la version del 'Romance Sonámbulo' por Manzanita, por favor haga click aqui

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Chelsea Open Air Nursery School

I have donated this drawing of the Chelsea Open Air Nursery School for their silent auction. The building is beautiful and as I found out today on their open day it's a brilliant environment for the development of the children of pre-school age. The nursery has also published a wonderful book called 'Food For Thought' with a story about the school and family recipes, photographs and drawings. Very inspiring!

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Jim Chanos

Mr Jim Chanos won a bid to get a portrait done by me in a charity action, Invest in Futures Gala, organized by the Prince's Trust in 2008. I'm now very proud to show you the portrait I have done of him based on a photography from the artist Shirin Neshat. I hope you like it!

El Senor Jim Chanos gano una puja en una subasta benefica del Prince's Trust para que yo le hiciera un retrato. Estoy muy orgullosa de ensenaros el retrato que le he hecho basado en una fotografia de la artista Shirin Neshat. Espero que os guste!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

The Serpentine

I am very pleased to show you my latest painting, The Serpentine. A piece of London auntumn colours! Thank you Mireia and Toni for your patience. I hope that the wait was worth while! Best wishes, Elena