Tuesday 12 December 2006

"For Better & For Worse"

"For Better & For Worse" has taken place on 8th December 2006 in London. It was a site specific event where the artists of S.A.L. shared their thoughts on the ups and downs of love and relationships.

I used the shoes I got married in as inspiration for this painting. Instead of the shoe brand, I wrote inside: "MR & MRS, Until death do us part", hoping that one would understand that the subject was to do with marriage. However, I didn't want it to be just a formal representation of shoes, as marriage is not just about the celebration but also about deeper things that surround it that are not as visible but are very important. That is why I adapted the title of Magritte's painting "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" and called my work "Ce ne sont pas des chaussures" in an attempt to make one think of those hidden aspects of marriage.

For more images please click here!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola , acabo de ver el cuadro de los zapatos de boda.....me parece un cuadro precioso...muy bonito y logrado....y la idea de todas las cosas que pasan durante la celebraciĆ³n de la boda y que no se ven..muy chula la idea...enhorabuena!