Wednesday 24 October 2007 (Private View)

The 13th of September was the opening of We had around 300 people coming to the exhibition that night and was a great success! We had the privilege to have visitors like the Spanish Ambassador in London, Don Carlos Miranda with his wife Elena (see photo attached), and the Spanish Cultural Attache, Don Juan Mazarredo. I showed for the first time a portrait of the King of Spain which I painted to replace the outdated official photo that they had at the Instituto Cervantes and a selfportrait in my studio. (see post 20 March 2007)
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El 13 de septiembre se inauguró Esa noche recibimos alrededor de 300 personas y fué todo un exito. Tubimos el privilegio de contar con la presencia del Embajador de España en Londres, Don Carlos Miranda y su mujer Elena (ver foto adjunta) y del Delegado Cultural de la Embajada, Don Juan Mazarredo. Además de un autorretrato en mi estudio (see post 20 March 2007), por primera vez expuse un retrato del Rey Don Juan Carlos, que hice para reemplazar la foto anticuada que tenía el Instituto Cervantes.