Wednesday, 24 October 2007 (Private View)

The 13th of September was the opening of We had around 300 people coming to the exhibition that night and was a great success! We had the privilege to have visitors like the Spanish Ambassador in London, Don Carlos Miranda with his wife Elena (see photo attached), and the Spanish Cultural Attache, Don Juan Mazarredo. I showed for the first time a portrait of the King of Spain which I painted to replace the outdated official photo that they had at the Instituto Cervantes and a selfportrait in my studio. (see post 20 March 2007)
Click here see more images of!

El 13 de septiembre se inauguró Esa noche recibimos alrededor de 300 personas y fué todo un exito. Tubimos el privilegio de contar con la presencia del Embajador de España en Londres, Don Carlos Miranda y su mujer Elena (ver foto adjunta) y del Delegado Cultural de la Embajada, Don Juan Mazarredo. Además de un autorretrato en mi estudio (see post 20 March 2007), por primera vez expuse un retrato del Rey Don Juan Carlos, que hice para reemplazar la foto anticuada que tenía el Instituto Cervantes.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

What is ""?

A GROUP OF SPANISH ARTISTS WILL TAKE OVER THE INSTITUTO CERVANTES IN A DARING ART PROJECT THAT PROMISES TO CHANGE THE WAY PEOPLE INTERACT WITH ART. is a site-specific art exhibition that will occupy the whole building of the Instituto Cervantes. Visitors will come across the artworks in the most unexpected places, and classrooms, corridors and staircases will become the set for this extraordinary event.

The show reflects on how artist's perception of their own identity is changed by the conflicts and opportunities that arise when living in a different culture, and how this is reflected in a broader multicultural context. is organized by SAL, a group of Spanish Artists that live and work in London. Getting away from the traditional gallery setting, they attempt to challenge the way Art interacts with the public and how an established institution can present Contemporary Art to new audiences. (Instituto Cervantes, London)

I have the pleasure to invite you to my next group exhibition with SAL (Spanish Artists in London)

Private View: 13th September 2007 from 6.30-8.30pm
Exhibition continues until 27th September
Place: Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AN

I look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, 23 April 2007

2007 Pintores Noveles (Premios Fivars)

I'm pleased to announce that I've been preselected for a prize of New Artists (Premios Fivars). There has been over 600 artists taking part and only 40% have been preselected for an exhibition at Galería Fivars, Monte Pego, Alicante from 31th May 2007. I will be showing "Ce Ne Sont Pas Des Chaussures". The final 10 final prizes will be announced on the 22th June.

Me alegra comunicaros que me han preseleccionado para un premio de Pintores Noveles (Premios Fivars). Ha habido más de 600 participantes y han seleccionado el 40% para exponer en la Galería Fivars, Monte Pego, Alicante desde el 21 de Mayo del 2007. Expondré "Ce Ne Sont Pas Des Chaussures". El 22 de Junio será la entrega de los 10 primeros premios.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Artist in the Studio (Self-portrait)

Dear All! I'm happy to be able to show you this new painting. This is the beginning of a series of self-portraits that I've started and that I will hopefully show at the Instituto Cervantes in London in September this year. In the meantime, I'm submitting this painting to the prestigious BP Portrait Award. I'll have to wait until the end of April to find out if I've been selected. If there's any luck, you'll certainly be the firsts to know!

¡Hola a todos! Me encanta poder mandaros una vez más mi último cuadro. Es el primero de una serie de autoretratos que finalmente se expondrán en el Instituto Cervantes de Londres en Septiembre de este año. Miestras tanto, lo voy a presentar a al prestigioso concurso BP Portrait Award de Londres. Tendré que esperar hasta finales de Abril para saber si me han seleccionado. Si tengo suerte sereis lo primeros en enteraros

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Mabel y Alfonso

Hi! I can finally show you my latest portrait commission. Hope you like it!

Hola: Por fín ya puedo enseñaros mi último encargo. ¡Espero que os guste!

Monday, 22 January 2007

Berlin, Part II

Hi! I'm now back from Berlin. The exhibition was a very pleasant surprise! My paintings were hung at the entrance to the left of the gallery in what I thought was a priviledge place. You could also see them from the street since they really came alive in the grey days of Berlin. The atmosphere at the opening was a lot of fun and we met people from many different backgrounds. There was a nice speach and prize ceremony from Brendan Davis, Editor in Chief from Art Interview Online Magazine, I got the 3rd price! Here's a picture of me with Greta from Art Interview Online Magazine at the opening night.

Monday, 15 January 2007

Berlin, Part I

Hi! I'm going to Berlin where I'll be exhibiting in a group show at Gallery twenty-four. The opportunity to exhibit there came as part of getting a 3rd Place Winner for the ART INTERVIEW 3RD QUARTERLY INTERNATIONAL ONLINE ARTIST COMPETITION. Original and digital artworks of 40 award winning contemporary artists from 17 countries will be shown. I'll let you know how it goes when I get back.

¡Hola! Me voy a Berlin porque tengo una exposición en la Gallery twenty-four. La oportunidad de exponer allí surgió después de ganar el tercer premio de un concurso por internet. Expondré junto a otros 40 artistas contemporáneos de 17 paises. Os contaré como ha ido todo a mi vuelta.

Exhibition Opening / Inauguración: Friday, January 19, 2007 at 8pm
Gallery twenty-four: Krossener Strasse 34, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Exhibition Dates / Fechas : January 19 - 30, 2007
Curators / Comisarios: Brendan Davis and Pablo Reese von Lichtenberg

Thursday, 11 January 2007

"Esquilos Lejanos", Press

The "Esquilos Lejanos" exhibition in Zaragoza turned to be a success which reflected on the interest of the media: tv, newspapers and radio. Here's the article published in the main local paper "Heraldo de Aragón". Click on the image and you can read the article! The titles translate: "Design sheepbells for twenty sheeps" and "The avantgarde art dresses up a flock". Don't miss the images of the sheep wearing the art works produced by SAL members (Spanish Artists in London)!

La exposición de "Esquilos Lejanos" en Zaragoza ha tenido mucho éxito reflejado en el interés de los medios, tanto televisión como radio y periódicos. Aquí teneis un artículo publicado en el "Heraldo de Aragón". ¡Hacer 'click; en la imagen y podrás leer el artículo! Los titulares dicen así: "Cencerros de diseño para una veintena de ovejas", y "El arte de vanguardia engalana un rebaño". No os perdais las fotos de las ovejas llevando las obras creadas por los miembros SAL (Spanish Artists in London).

Friday, 5 January 2007

"Woman" Feature

Woman, n.172, Enero/January 2007

Happy 2007! I hope you had a brilliant holiday! The New Year starts with a feature published in the 2007 January issue of "Woman", now for sale in Spain. You can't buy it? It doesn't matter, you just have to click on the image to read the article. All the best! E

¡Feliz 2007! ¡Espero que hayais tenido unas buenas vacaciones! El Año Nuevo ha empezado con un artículo publicado en el número de Enero de la revista Woman, ya a la venta en España. Si no lo puedes comprar, lo podrás ver si haces click en la imagén de arriba. Con mis mejores deseos, Elena